I’m a ML PhD student at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany. My advisor is Gerard de Melo and I am part of his Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems group. I am also in the ELLIS PhD student program co-advised by Desmond Elliott at University of Copenhagen.
My main research area is NLP with a focus on cross-lingual transfer of pretrained models [1], particularly tokenization and embeddings [2]. I am also working on computationally efficient training and inference of large language models [3][1]. Previously, I worked on computer vision tasks in the art domain, especially image generation using GANs [4].
I grew up in Frankfurt, Germany, moved to Potsdam, Germany for my studies and spent six months in Los Angeles during an internship with SAP. I am currently doing a research internship with InstaDeep in Paris. In my spare time, I enjoy playing my saxophone, chess, alpine hiking, and solo traveling.
PhD in Computer Science (Machine Learning)
Hasso Plattner Institute, University Potsdam
2022 - present
MSc in Computer Science (IT-Systems Engineering)
Hasso Plattner Institute, University Potsdam
2020 - 2022
BSc in Computer Science (IT-Systems Engineering)
Hasso Plattner Institute, University Potsdam
2016 - 2020